To: (Landlord) _____________________________________________________________________________
You are hereby given notice that (Tenant(s)) _____________________________________________________
intend to terminate the tenancy and to move from the premises located at:
(Street Address) ______________________________________________________ (Apartment #) __________
(City) ________________________________________ (State) ____________ (Zip) _____________________
as of this (Date)______________________.
It is understood as follows:
1. That a 30 Day Notice of Intent to Vacate is required by Section 1946 of California Civil Code for
month-to-month tenancies and by the Lease Agreement for fixed-term tenancies.
2. For Tenants on a fixed-term lease, a 30 Day Notice of Intent to Vacate does not relinquish Tenant(s)
from any obligation of the lease, including payment to the end of the lease term.
3. Tenant’s possession of the apartment remains in effect until all belongings are removed and all keys
4. Except as provided by law, rent is due and payable up to and including the final date of possession, or
thirty (30) days after service of this notice to Landlord, whichever is later.
5. Tenant cannot use the security deposit as last month’s rent. Rent is payable through the termination of
the tenancy.
The Tenant’s reason(s) for terminating the Lease Agreement is as follows: (Optional) _____________________
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